Oct 18, 2016

Storytelling Unit - The 180º -rule

During one of our previous lectures we talked about the 180º -rule. The 180º -rule has been a huge struggle for me in the past when I often went out filming without any storyboard or plans for my shots only to see my characters swapping sides on the screen like crazy when i had to edit it.

Even though the 180º -rule is not a new thing for me it was very nice to have a little "refresh" on it.

Crossing the line usually a bad idea although some directors chose to do so to confuse the audience or to achieve a desired effect. On example of this is The Shining where Stanley Kubrick chooses to cross the line to make Jack Nicholson look more crazy.

We were given a piece of script and told to shoot it using different shots while bearing the 180º -rule in mind. Even though the script wasn't too exiting it was nice to learn about it and be more conscious of the rule.

180-rule from Trine Hagan on Vimeo.

//Screenshots from YouTube\\

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