Jan 24, 2017

Directions - Lighting Workshop

In our last workshop with Fergus we learned about the basic of lighting and the effects of lighting a scene. We worked on basic 3-point lighting using Key-, Back- and Fill light and tested different ways of lighting people (e.g using spotting) and the difference in intensity by moving the lamps closer/further away. 
We also talked about exposure, focus and mood, and experimented with different colour filters to see their effect on the scene. 

I’ve been looking forward to having a lighting workshop since I missed working with lights on set on my shoot for the Storytelling unit. lt was interesting learning about the differences between the lights (Open face - more power and light, used for set lighting, Fresnel - more control, easier to spot, used for lighting people) and also what to focus on when lighting the set (temperature of the light, reflections etc). I look forward to using lights on my next shoot as this workshop has given me a couple of ideas to what I want to do. 

Light workshop from Trine Hagan on Vimeo.

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