May 13, 2017

Documentary - Re-recording V.O

After listening to Zoe's feedback on the voice over on Friday we decided to go nd re-record it. I contacted Kamran to see if he was up for it, which he was. My aim was to re-record it on Tuesday next week since we then would have a much better idea of what we'd need since we'd be close to the final cut. Unfortunately, that wasn't possible since Kamran will be going abroad on a vacation for a week, not returning before the day after hand in. We therefore decided to do it today. Meeting up at Kamran's house just a couple of hours before he'd head off to the airport.

We had an updated script with the V.O needed with us together with our rough cut so it would be easier for him to see where each of the clips was going to go and how much energy he should put into the different parts. When we recorded the V.O the first time we had him sitting down reading from the script. This time we had him reading while standing up, letting him use hand gestures while speaking, which made him a lot more believable.

I'm pleased with the new V.O that we've got and hope it will do for the final edit. I know we should ideally record it on Thursday next week to have it as close to the deadline as possible, but none of us in the group were thinking of setting off a day dedicated to record the V.O when we made the schedule. I wish that someone would have mentioned to us while we're planning everything that we should set off a day to do it since none of us in the group has been doing a proper documentary before and therefore didn't think about the fact that pre-recorded V.O might not fit the finalised edit. But the good thing is that no one in our group will ever forget to dedicate a day for it next time we make a doc.

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