Jan 9, 2017

Directions - Taxi Driver

Taxi Driver PosterIn today's lesson we were watching Martin Scorsese's 'Taxi Driver' (1976) focusing on the movie from a directorial point of view, framing, cast, shots, music, etc.

Quick facts:
- Made on location, no special effects
- Prime example of how a director can add layers to a story by the way it's directed
- Written by Paul Schrader
- Nominated for 4 Oscars

Screen language:
- A language you must learn and will continue to learn
- Complex integration of visuals and sound
- It allows you to add layers to the story that go beyond the words on the page of the script (storytelling is told through the visuals, action, characters etc)
- It's a language you never finish learning as you will continue to learn through your career

Unstable, metamorphus, mentally ill, wants to fit in, racist, savior, avenger, killer, the good guy(?) Anti hero.
Starts of dressed ordinary, not flashy. Being very "every man". Later showing a huge scar on his back revealing a rough background and end up with a mohawk, turning into a more determined, scary character ready to do business.

Angel, lover, threat, us, eyes, truth.
When introduced she is dressed in white, (pure, nice, quite opposite of Travis).Goes from being an angel-like character, a crisp clear image to be a pair of eyes, an imagination, a thought in Travis mind.

Friend, understands, blind, hero, innocence.
Young, introduced as grown up/mature by the way she's dressed. Later we see her as a dressed more childishly acting more like her true character.

Other characters who are shown twice or three times are both unique and distinct. You can clearly see that there have been a lot of time invested into developing the characters (their manners, the way they speak, costumes etc).

"Suit of Armor"
- Specific costumes to represent that character
- The costume they wear to "do business" (you know they're going to get things done)

Time, setting, tone, character, mood, authenticity, story
- Set in New York
- Diner
- Travis' apartment
- Movie Theatre

Location to underline Travis being cornered, isolation. He is around people, but he's not connected to them. On his date with Betsy in the cafe there is a line separating them.

- In the opening, when Travis has his job interview he is stood up and the boss is sat down, giving Travis the sense of power rather than the other way around.
- The camera starts behind him, but then travels round to his face and this sets up the rest of the film, so we stay with Travis from then on.
- Just after the opening the camera doesn't follow Travis, it pans in the opposite direction and he walks behind the camera (loses focus off him, goes into his p.o.v, we become Travis) - 1st person framing.

- The dominant colour in the scenes is red. Symbolise death, blood, danger, fear and anger
- Colour can help adding layers to a film

- The film crosses the line and repeat scenes, goes back in time to scenes and still looks effective (continuity isn't always important)
- He does things that're not questioned

- Extreme close up shots to show details (rain on the taxi)
- The rythm of the music sounds like a pulse/heartbeat - picks up as the film goes on

How you frame as the director - the perspective you provide - is the key factor in how an audience perceives the story.

//Images and source material\\


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